About Podlove
Podlove is an initiative to improve the overall technical infrastructure for podcasting. Podlove is both an network for developers to discuss features and agree on standards as well as an incubator for software and file formats under the Podlove name.
Podlove is an initiative born in Germany but we are open to collaborate with anybody and to promote standards worldwide. If you have any further questions and/or want to contribute to Podlove, contact us.
The Team behind Podlove
Podlove is an Open Source project and therefore has a lot of contributors that are working to make the software better. The main organizers of the project are these four people.

Tim Pritlove
Founder & Evangelist
Tim is founder and project coordinator of Podlove. He is defining the requirements for Podlove Publisher and Podlove Web Player and works on the Podlove Specifications. Under his podcast label “Metaebene Personal Media” Tim produces a variety of podcasts and has 18+ years of radio and podcast experience and contributes podcast scene.

Alexander Heimbuch
Alex is a front-end developer and has joined the project in 2017 working on version 4 of Podlove Web Player. He normally works on large business applications featuring Angular. With a special fetish for new JavaScript technologies he loves to play around with new frameworks.

Eric Teubert
Eric is chief software architect and main contributor for the Podlove Publisher and oversees the release process and the technical roadmap. He has kicked off Podlove together with Tim by producing the first version of the Publisher in 2012 and has been working on it ever since.

Michaela is front-end developer and has joined the project in 2016 working on the Podlove Subscribe Button and other UI aspects. She is founder of Geil, Danke web development agency.

Dirk is a C++ developer and mainly develops CAD software. To learn new things, he participates in the Podlove project since 2020. He helps especially in the development of the publisher.
Contributors and Former Team Members
We are very thankful for all the people who already worked with us on the Podlove project.

Dominik Wagner is an iOS and backend developer, Co-Founder and CEO of the Game and app studio Coding Monkeys, and worked on UIKit@Apple for a while. He supports the Podlove Publisher and Web Player open source development whenever help is needed.

Sven Sedivy
Graphic Designer
Sven is a graphic artist contributing a lot of the graphical artwork we need for the Podlove Publisher and is also behind the visual design of the next generation of the Podlove Web Player. His creative approach to user interfaces is providing us with a lot of ideas and future direction for the development of the software. Have a look at his portfolio at Graphorama.

Benjamin Zimmer
Ben is a Ruby and CoffeeScript developer and has joined the project in 2014 working on the Podlove Subscribe Button. He is also one of the founders of the Podigee podcast hosting service.

Alexander Lüken
Alex has joined the project in 2013 and has made a variety of significant contributions to various Podlove projects. As an all-round web-developer he worked in close collaboration with Eric on upcoming releases.

Dennis Morhardt
Dennis is a PHP and WordPress expert and has contributed some significant hackery to make the Podlove Publisher work in some crazy edge cases. Somebody to call when the house is burning.

Juri Leino
Juri is a JavaScript developer and joined the project in 2013. He worked on the prototype of the Podlove Web Player 3.

Alexandra von Criegern
Alexandra is a front-end developer and joined the project in 2014. She worked on styling and behaviour of the prototype of the Podlove Web Player 3.

Frank Hase
Frank is a JavaScript developer and has joined the project in 2013 assisting the developement of the Podlove Web Player.

Simon Waldherr
Simon has been taking over the original code for the Podlove Web Player and has worked on code and design of the version 2 of the player. Simon is also very active supporting the podcast scene with his extensive contributions to the Shownotes project.
We also like to thank everybody who has contributed by sending bug reports, providing bug fixes, making feature requests or giving any other form of feedback. This project lives from the interaction with the community.